becoming like Jesus

On Being A Woman: I Have the Answer to What all this Means

On Being A Woman: I Have the Answer to What all this Means

When I started writing this series, I believed that I was part of a small percentage of women who felt like they didn’t fit in the box. But as I’ve gotten feedback on what I’ve written and had several conversations with friends, I’m starting to think that no one really feels that they fit in the “woman box.” They feel, like me, that they have maybe half the characteristics they are supposed to have, but are missing about half as well.

So what does it mean to be a woman? And does the Bible give a comprehensive answer to that question? (spoiler alert: it does not.)

All these questions and discussions spurred me to do something weird…

Some Things We Can Agree on Regarding Feminism

Some Things We Can Agree on Regarding Feminism

Too often the Christian circle wants to talk about where we should land on the feminist spectrum. Around whether Jesus was a feminist or not and what those hard female Biblical passages mean. Maybe the best question isn't what word we pin to our vests, but what we plan to do with those beliefs.