
But have you tried Ginger?: My Very Wise Guide on how to Handle Morning Sickness

But have you tried Ginger?: My Very Wise Guide on how to Handle Morning Sickness

Having now walked through morning sickness and come out on the other side twice, I have all the answers. And I am ready to share my wisdom—my morning sickness tips and tricks—with you.

I give you “But Have you tried Ginger?: My Very Wise Guide on how to Handle Morning Sickness.

Here's Looking at You on International Women's Day

Here's Looking at You on International Women's Day

I’m realizing that all the things about being a woman that used to make me feel weak have actually revealed the strength I have. This is true for all the women that I encounter every day. We consistently show up for our jobs, families, friends, and communities, often while dealing with additional and unseen physical, emotional, societal, and systemic realities that simply come along with being a woman.

Throwback to One Year Ago: When I was 39 weeks Pregnant, Bored, and Sassy

Throwback to One Year Ago: When I was 39 weeks Pregnant, Bored, and Sassy

First of all, the answer to any pregnancy ailment is to drink lots of water & eat small meals throughout the day. Me: "I think I'm pregnant with an octopus, not a human" Doctor: "Drink lots of water & eat small meals throughout the day"

…Also, does anyone happen to have strong opinions on the book “Baby Wise”?