loving yourself

Our Bodies aren't Collectibles - Let's Use them Instead of Preserving Them

Our Bodies aren't Collectibles - Let's Use them Instead of Preserving Them

Most of treat our bodies like collectibles. We reach some kind of "ideal" body around our early twenties and from that point on, we live just to keep our bodies in that condition--so no one can tell that they've been taken out of the box. We constantly try to keep off the pounds. We dye, shave, pluck, and tan. We try everything to get rid of freckles, wrinkles, stretch marks, acne. 

Learning to Love Myself as a "Package Deal"

Learning to Love Myself as a "Package Deal"

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Definitely one of Jesus' teachings that is hardest to swallow. It demands unconditional love and care for others. But as I think about this teaching, I realize that if most of us loved our neighbor the way we truly love ourselves, we would actually treat them worse than we do now. We would be constantly critical of them, not letting any small mistake, annoyance, or flaw go unnoticed. We would pick them apart, trying to make them more like everyone else.