Christian woman

On Being a Woman: God Actually Likes You

On Being a Woman: God Actually Likes You

God is in the business of developing His character in us. He is not, I believe, in the business of overhauling the way He has already uniquely imprinted us with His divine image. Sanctification is not His process of cloning us into the Model Christian Woman.

On Being a Woman: When Who You're "Supposed to Be" Isn't Who You Are

On Being a Woman: When Who You're "Supposed to Be" Isn't Who You Are

When I inevitably proved not to be the kind of woman I was supposed to be over and over again, it wasn’t something wrong with what I was doing; it was something fundamentally wrong with me as a person. I always felt like the black sheep, I was passed over a lot because there was something about me that wasn’t quite right. It sometimes felt as though calling me a “Christian woman” was as ironic as calling me a name that means “peaceful and quiet.”