Mother's Day Bingo

Mother’s Day is this Sunday and somebody better DANG WELL rise up and call us blessed (#proverbs31woman). Churches have their own unique ways of doing this—some are great (handmade Mother’s Day crafts from kids!), some are very strange (awkward churchwide competitions to see who has had the biggest baby!), and most are somewhere in between.

Last year I jokingly mentioned a Mother’s Day bingo card, and there was a high demand* for it. So here it is: Mother’s Day Church Service Bingo. No matter how your church honors you this weekend, know that your worth is more than rubies, take a break from spinning your wool and flax, and keep a lookout and laugh at some of our favorite Mother’s Day traditions.

*Please note: the demand was medium at best.

Erin King

Erin Flippin King is a freelance writer and editor, loving life in Jonesboro, AR with her husband, Aaron (same name, cute right?) and son, Sam. Erin enjoys dancing like a fool, joking at wildly inappropriate times, spending time in the sunshine, and Dr. Pepper. She recently earned her master's degree in Biblical Studies and Hebrew and shares her writing at